We are a veteran family-owned business, making high-quality handmade bath products right here in Oklahoma, USA. A lot of care and love goes into every batch of peppermint bath salts, one of our most popular items. There's nothing like peppermint essential oil to get you feeling perky and ready for the day!

peppermint bath saltPeppermint opens the sinuses, helps relieve headache, and is stimulating and refreshing for the skin --when carefully diluted, as it is in our peppermint bath items. (In large or undiluted concentrations, peppermint oil tends to be very irritating to the skin. As with other stimulating good things in life, a little goes a long way!)

Our peppermint bath salts and scrubs have just the right amount of peppermint to be refreshing without literally taking your breath away. When adding to the bath, we recommend you start off with a somewhat smaller amount than you may use with other scents. Swirl and wait, then apply a bit more if you'd like a stronger peppermint effect. Always avoid contact with skin near the eyes!


The salt and minerals in a Pacific sea bath help to stimulate circulation, ease muscle cramps, relax stiff joints, rid the body of impurities by shedding toxins out through the skin, mineral absorption, as well as promote better sleep.

Dead Sea salt provides these same benefits and, for many people, greater benefits, due to its even wider spectrum of minerals. We offer peppermint bath salts with either kind of salt, so you can choose which one sounds best, or try them both and let us know what you think.

Try our Peppermint Dead Sea Salt Scrub for a refreshing, yet soothing experience sure to get your blood flowing and perk up your mind as well. The eucalyptus version has added skin healing benefits!

One of the main benefits of a salt and oil scrub is how it tends to increase blood circulation at the skin's surface. Increased blood circulation to the skin aids in skin rejuvenation and cellular renewal. Massaging the skin in a circular motion with a peppermint bath salt scrub promotes the release of toxins and enhances healing and renewal by drawing blood to the skin's surface.

The minerals in Dead Sea salt, including magnesium, bromide, zinc, and sulfur, help heal and soothe problem skin, including skin suffering from psoriasis and eczema. Such minerals have also been shown to help slow overactive cellular growth that causes psoriasis, and to help reduce inflammation and redness.

Partake in a peppermint bath salt scrub a few times a week to help slough away dead skin, deliver necessary nutrients for healing, and moisturize dry skin that causes so much of the discomfort with skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema.